Term and Holiday Dates

Term and Holiday Dates 2023-24

Term 1 – Autumn 2023

School: Friday 1st September – Friday 20th October

Children start school on Wednesday 06.09.23

Holiday: Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October

Term 2 – Autumn 2023

School: Monday 30th October – Wednesday 20th December

Holiday: Thursday 21st December – Wednesday 3rd January 2024

Term 3 – Spring 2024

School: Thursday 4th January – Friday 9th February

Holiday: Monday 12th February – Friday 16th February

Term 4 – Spring 2024

School: Monday 19th February – Thursday 28th March

Holiday: Friday 29th March – Friday 12th April

Term 5 – Summer 2024

School: Monday 15th April – Friday 24th May 2024

Holiday: Monday Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024

May Day: 6th May 2024

Polling Day school closure: Thursday 2nd May 2024

Term 6 – Summer 2024

School: Monday 3rd June – Friday 19th July 2024

Holiday: Monday 22nd July – to be announced

Polling Day school closure: Thursday 4th July 2024

Please take note that we do not authorise any family leave or holiday during term time. Parents who choose to ignore this rule run a risk of losing their child’s school place.

Teacher Training Days

Friday – 1st September 2023
Monday – 4th September 2023
Tuesday – 5th September 2023

Religious Holidays

As agreed by Governors, there are no assigned closure days for the religious observance days. Children who are celebrating or observing a religious festival with their family will be marked in class register as religious observance – if the festival falls on a school day.