On Thursday 6th June, Willow class participated in a Faith in Schools workshop, which was based on last term’s unit, lesson 4: ‘How did Jesus set an example for others to follow?’. First, students were given the opportunity to share who they think Jesus is. Some responses included ‘Son of God’, ‘Christ’, ‘teacher’, ‘Saviour’.
Then, they watched a short video clip of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet (based on the book of John chapter 13) and volunteers demonstrating this action. They discussed the reason for Jesus’ action: he was showing humility for others as a ‘servant’. Although this act took place two thousand years ago, it is just as important to Christians today.
After the facilitators shared their experiences, children recorded on their grids one way each visitor tries to live like Jesus and how it affects their lives. Finally, children shared different ways following Jesus impacts Christians’ lives using word art and symbols.