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Art Gallery 2024

This year, all students participated in the ‘Big Draw’ with the theme, ‘Drawing the Seasons’. All year groups focused on different senses with one sense being explored in each lesson. At the end of the art unit, each child chose one piece of artwork to display at Lathom’s Art Gallery – Friday 14th June 2024. …

History in Year 4

This term, Year 4 students are learning about the Mayan civilisation. This unit commenced with an immersion afternoon, where Mayan music set the scene as children created Mayan masks using clay and paint. They discussed the use of the masks and instruments used to create music. Well done Year 4 students! Next, they will conduct …

Year 6 Knife Crime workshop

The Year 6 knife crime session was an impactful and highly educational experience for the children. It effectively raised awareness about the dangers and consequences of knife-related violence, fostering a sense of responsibility and caution among the young participants. Through interactive discussions and real-life scenarios, the session successfully engaged the children, making them more informed …

Year 6 Sports Day

Our Year 6 Sports Day was a fantastic event filled with energy, teamwork, and sportsmanship! The students showcased their athletic skills across various events, from sored bounce to relays. The spirit of camaraderie and competition was palpable, with everyone cheering each other on. Congratulations to all the participants and a big thank you to the …

Science Week 2024

Pupils at Lathom Junior School learnt about the importance of recycling batteries. We committed ourselves to ‘NEVER THROW BATTERIES IN THE BIN’. In addition, we created our own battery collecting boxes and will bring batteries to class so that they can be recycled. They also created posters and letters so that everyone in the community …