What a good week we all had last week – topped off with staff and children’s performance poetry presentations – everyone’s creativity is to be celebrated and admired. Thank you to all children for concentrating so well during ‘assessment week’ tasks, outcomes will help us to make sure everyone is getting any additional support that you need. Keep up the good work!
- We have all seen in the news events that are happening in Ukraine. We will be talking about this with children this week. Please talk with your class teacher if you, or your children have any questions.
- On Tuesday and Wednesday Year 4 look forward to part 2 and part 3 of their Easter Experience in our local church – St Paul’s on Burgess Road.
- On Tuesday, Year 3 are going to the Tate Britain gallery to see the Henry Moore sculpture galleries
- On Friday (18.03.22) we will be celebrating Red Nose Day – the theme this year is Real Life Super Heroes. Please keep checking for details abut what’s happening on Friday.
Thank you to everyone for being so sensible in following the Government’s Living with Covid-19 guidance, this is really helping the school to ensure everyone is able to come to school every day.
Regular hand washing and good hygiene are also helping us to keep any other nasty bugs and germs away.