Another good week has been enjoyed by all. Teachers are pleased to be marking children’s assessments, it is really reassuring to recognise the progress that children are making in their learning. I am very pleased to say that they are learning and remembering lots – Well Done them and Thank You to our staff.
I have been so impressed with how children have listened to and taken part in discussions with their teachers about events that are happening in Ukraine – Thank You to everyone for your donations. We are deciding which charity we are going to support, I am looking for an organisation which prioritises support for children, the School Council is supporting our decision-making.
I am very pleased to say that we have been out and about again.
- Year 3 visited Tate Britain and the Henry Moore galleries – his sculptures are so abstract and huge!
- Year 4 had a really interesting visit to a local church for an Easter Experience, parallels were drawn with many of the religions our community follows.
This week:
- Year 5 is looking forward to a theatre experience at Stratford Circus, offering Q&A session with the cast.
- Year 6 is looking forward to a special visitor. They are discussing pollution, something they are extremely passionate about, and will be putting forward their arguments in regard to the need for further improvements in the air quality in East Ham.
Thank you to everyone for being so sensible in following the Government’s Living with Covid-19 guidance, this is really helping the school to ensure everyone is able to come to school every day.
Regular hand washing and good hygiene are also helping us to keep any other nasty bugs and germs away.