What a busy time we’ve all had (at home and in school). I hope everyone who celebrated Eid had a lovely time with family and friends.
- Thank you to all staff and parents who supported our 80 voices choir in the O2 arena as part of the Young Voices event. It was fabulous! Children were so excited to be part of such an amazing concert. Please click on the link for a video trailer of the concert.
- It has also been a pleasure to observe children’s Geography, History and Science learning recently. Members of the Leadership Team have been impressed with children’s engagement in and excitement of the practical activities that staff have planned.
- Thank you to Ceri for her work with our Junior Travel Ambassadors and their collaboration with LBN’s School Travel Plan team. We are well on our way to confirming our Silver Accreditation.
This week:
- We are focussing on supporting our Year 6 children complete their end of Key Stage 2 SATs. We are very proud of them all, and acknowledge that they are nervous, but also know that they will all do their best. We wish everyone “Good Luck”.
- In our Computing lessons, we will be discussing Loneliness (this also ties-in with the theme for Mental Health Awareness week (9th – 15th May). Please click on the link for more information: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week
- Please also make sure that you click on the National Online Safety Centre link regarding Loneliness.
- On Friday 13th the Children’s Centre (at Altmore) is holding another COVID vaccination clinic, if you are interested in your child having a COVID vaccination, please book an appointment.