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Year 3 Scientists

In Elder class, the children worked together in small groups to set up an investigation to answer the scientific question: What happens to a shadow as you move an object away from the light source? Children used a tape measure to measure the distance in centimetres between the light source and the object, recording their …

Y6 Designers

As part of our D&T food technology unit, our children are taking part in the ‘Great Lathom Bake Off’. Each class is going to be baking vegetable or fruit cakes during the term and trying each other’s cakes. There will be a winning cake from each class and an overall winner from the year group. …

Y5 Collaboration Challenge

During the first PSHCE lesson, children discussed the term ‘collaboration’ and identified examples of how they worked collaboratively. In groups, they were given the challenge to build the ‘tallest’ tower using newspaper and sticky tape. In order to achieve this goal, they described the attributes needed to work collaboratively including good communication and teamwork. At …

Visual Literacy

During the first three days at school, children in Years 3 to 6 explored the masterpiece – Henri Rousseau’s 1891 ‘Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised) and developed their visual literacy skills through participation in a wide range of activities. All children engaged in discussion around the artwork as they described the tiger and its …